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Myth: Most People Who Die By Suicide Leave a Note

While loved ones want answers, they’re unlikely to find it in a suicide note, both because the notes are rare and because the notes are often banal. That is, lacking in originality or freshness; dull or commonplace.

Fact: Less than 33% of People who Die by Suicide Leave a Note

Shneidman and Farberow, in Clues to Suicide, estimated that 12-15% of people who die leave a suicide note. Their estimates may have been skewed downward by people attempting to hide the suicide notes. Rates in other countries have consistently been at or above this rate – but still less than or equal to 33%. The prevalence of suicide notes is thus quite low.

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Coming soon.


Very little research has been done on the prevalence of suicide notes in suicides. However, the consensus is that the rate is quite low, and certainly lower than about 33%.

In Support of the Myth

None identified.

Unclear or Mixed Support

None identified.

Learn more about suicide myths – and the truths behind them – by following the links below.