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Myth: Suicidal Behavior Peaks in Winter

Many believe that winter or holidays drive suicidal behavior, but that isn’t supported by research.

Fact: The Peak for Suicidal Behavior Is Spring

No conclusive reason has been identified, but spring is the peak of suicide. This holds true in both hemispheres. in the Northern Hemisphere starts in March; in the Southern Hemisphere, it starts in September. Suicide rates peak in spring regardless of when it starts.

Some attribute the myth to the Christmas holiday rather than winter. However, this isn’t supported in the research.

Learn More

Coming soon.


Coming soon.

In Support of the Myth

None identified.

To Refute the Myth

"Seasonality of Suicidal Behavior" (2012)

Highly replicated but poorly understood.

Myths about Suicide (2010)

A book by Thomas Joiner that explores many myths.

Unclear or Mixed Support

Learn more about suicide myths – and the truths behind them – by following the links below.