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Myth: Once You’ve Made an Attempt, You’ll Eventually Die by Suicide

Somewhere around 85%-90% of people who make a suicide attempt will die from non-suicide causes.

Fact: Having Made a Suicide Attempt Is a Significant Risk

While having made an attempt places a person at substantially greater risk than the general population, it’s not a forgone conclusion that someone who makes an attempt will eventually succumb.

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Coming soon.


The evidence points soundly to higher risk – but far from inevitable.

In Support of the Myth

None identified.

To Refute the Myth

"Where are they now? A follow-up study of suicide attempters from the Golden Gate Bridge" (1978)

“… about 90% do not die of suicide or by other violent means.” This encompasses other deaths that might be a suicide but for other reasons wouldn’t be classified as such.

"Completed Suicide After a Suicide Attempt: A 37-Year Follow-Up Study" (2004)

Of 100 initial patients, 98 were studied, with 54 deaths and a 13% suicide death rate.

Unclear or Mixed Support

None identified.

Learn more about suicide myths – and the truths behind them – by following the links below.